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Why choose Swag Box?
We’re experts in delivering branded bliss to companies all over the world, with our vast collections of promotional items, hassle-free international shipping and EU storage services. We’ve hand-picked the best products in over 10 categories across tech, drinkwear and clothing helping you put your brand front and centre with ease. To top it off, our eco-pledges ensure that you always get brilliant merch that never costs the Earth.
Why Choose Branded Events Merchandise?
Transform your event space with our tradeshow furniture, including banners, flags and more. Whether you’re wanting to impress a new audience with some branded freebies, or you’re looking for a simple way to elevate your presence at events our extensive collection has you covered. Our lanyards and badgeholders bring a finesse to your event, helping your attendees feel part of the community and making the perfect branded snap for people to share on socials!